The safety and well-being of our staff and students is our number one priority.
We are committed to adhering to all government guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety. Please check back often for the most up-to-date information about our COVID-19 planning and procedures.
At this time the following measures are in place (updated August 31, 2021)
Entering the Studio
Physical distancing will remain in effect and enforced.
Masks will be required for everyone entering the building.
Everyone entering the building will be required to sanitize their hands, as well as before and after each class.
Any individual displaying the following symptoms will not be permitted in the Studio:
Fever and/or Chills (temperature of 37.8°C/100.0°F or greater)
Headache that is unusual or long lasting
Cough or barking cough
Difficulty breathing / shortness of breath
Sore throat/trouble swallowing
Runny or stuffy / congested nose
Loss or decrease of taste or smell
Unexplained fatigue/muscle and/or joint aches and pains
General feeling of being unwell
The decision to allow a student into the building lies with Class Act Studio only.
All Class Act Studios staff members will continue to wear a face mask and practice proper physical distancing when possible.
In the Studio
Students are required to wear a mask at all times while in the building. Students are responsible to bring their own mask or we can provide a disposable mask for $1.00/mask.
Students may bring personal disinfection wipes if they wish.
Students are to arrive with dance clothes under their street clothes.
Students are encouraged to have their own (and labelled) water bottle. The Studio has touchless water filling stations available.
We ask that belongings are kept to a minimum.
Students are to bring their own snacks and no sharing will be allowed.
Activities will be structured to maintain physical distancing when possible.
Any props used in class will be cleaned and disinfected after each class.
Bathroom breaks will be staggered amongst the students.
In Case of Illness
The Studio will isolate a student should they become ill.
Parents of the child will be notified and the child must be picked up immediately.
Any items touched by the sick child will be cleaned and disinfected. Anything that cannot be disinfected will be removed from the studio in accordance with the guidelines of the Saskatchewan Health Authority.
The Office keeps daily reports regarding contact tracing and we are committed and prepared to notify the families in the event of any possible positive test results.
Cleaning Preventative Measures
High touch areas will be cleaned and disinfected throughout the day.
Hand sanitizer will be available at the building entrance and at each classroom for use by students and staff.
Daily cleaning of the facility before, during and after each program will be executed.
All staff are trained on cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
Signage will be on display throughout the studio reinforcing hygiene protocols.

Thank you for joining us in these committed efforts and for staying connected with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We will get through this together!
Eduardo & Monica Ventura,
Gabriella and Marco
We will continue to monitor Saskatchewan Health Authority’s Public Health Measures and communicate with our families any updates we make to our procedures and protocols.